Listing Number Number Of Seats Section Row Parking Pass Price* Status
6198328765186048 4 132 10 No $6,000 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6201312291061760 2 213 10 No $3,000 Pending
6236289095434240 2 439 1 No $2,000 Pending
6252404282490880 2 132 14 No $2,500 Pending
6267081595027456 2 235 2 No $3,000 Pending
6280355459891200 2 141 6 No $4,000 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6290746730610688 2 108 23 No $6,200 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6333167988375552 2 110 4 No $8,000 For Sale MAKE OFFER
*Price is the total for ALL seats.

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