Listing Number Number Of Seats Section Row Parking Pass Price* Status
4845482048225280 2 111 33 No $3,650 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6200016184016896 2 147 40 No $2,500 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6220798893228032 2 132 12 No $10,500 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6221600508608512 2 153 23 No $15,000 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6223256742789120 4 130 35 No $10,830 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6229972809154560 2 111 15 No $3,500 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6253940001734656 4 549 21 No $4,000 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6278924350783488 2 553 19 No $2,500 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6296659155746816 1 538 7 No $550 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6318782398070784 2 508 20 No $1,000 For Sale MAKE OFFER
*Price is the total for ALL seats.

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