Listing Number Number Of Seats Section Row Parking Pass Price* Status
6193115681521664 2 221 3 No $12,000 Pending
6237112890294272 2 111 1 No $16,000 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6239450929561600 4 116 10 Yes $40,000 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6245451133091840 4 221 3 No $20,000 Pending
6253233009852416 4 71 3 No $20,000 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6266783564562432 2 219 2 Yes $4,000 None
6278346153394176 4 221 1 No $10,000 Pending
6288490262167552 2 114 10 No $4,000 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6311322308313088 1 216 1 No $5,000 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6318423499866112 2 212 1 No $7,500 Pending
*Price is the total for ALL seats.

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