Listing Number Number Of Seats Section Row Parking Pass Price* Status
6196999204372480 4 108 26 No $18,000 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6209548226396160 2 531 19 No $2,500 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6212223554813952 2 129 16 No $14,000 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6231710660296704 2 134 12 No $20,000 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6244617225764864 4 132 3 No $32,000 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6259076245749760 2 304 2 No $4,500 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6264141073350656 3 337 12 No $12,000 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6276548441145344 2 129 6 No $6,000 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6288276117782528 2 531 20 No $2,500 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6291580558245888 4 144 26 No $10,750 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6291691757633536 2 312 9 No $12,500 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6302871020634112 2 136 16 Yes $9,000 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6310534248923136 2 147 15 No $3,000 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6319154785157120 2 129 9 No $5,000 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6322935631446016 2 531 19 No $2,500 For Sale MAKE OFFER
6326466966978560 2 101 8 No $2,200 For Sale MAKE OFFER
*Price is the total for ALL seats.

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